I have spread my dreams under your feet;
Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.
W.B. Yeats
Reflections & Connections: A Culmination of Learning and Growth
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Our technology, our machines, is part of our humanity. We created them to extend ourselves, and that is what is unique about human beings
Ray Kurzweil
This ePortfolio is a culmination of work that demonstrates my growth throughout my graduate program. This journey starts with my reflections on the first day and catalogs each course as I learn how to learn in this strange, exciting, significant learning environment. Please start with the slideshow to the left. Then, take time to peruse the buttons below. Finally, to dig more deeply into each course, use the menu at the top of the page or the “Course Compilation Pages” buttons at the bottom of the page. I hope you leave with more questions than answers.
How might we improve our processes to increase digital productivity? Read about my plan to implement a Paperless Office, and how the research supports this as a step in the direction of a blended learning environment. Click the button to navigate to my Professional Innovation Proposal compilation page.
What is learning? How can we transform learning in a digital age? Explore my early musings on implementing a growth mindset across the district. Enjoy my learning manifesto – a deep dive as I review and reform my beliefs around learning. Click the button to navigate to my Concepts of Educational Technology compilation page.
Why change? How do we change? What results should we expect? Find how I intend to influence, model, execute, and support meaningful organizational change. Click the button to navigate to my Self-Differentiated Leadership compilation page.
How can the learning environment support meaningful change? Follow my journey as I learn how to Creating Significant Learning Environments, piece together my learning philosophy, and create lessons that reflect my capabilities. Click the button to navigate to my CSLE compilation page.
How do we support adult learners with relevant, intentional professional learning? Peruse the ways that I use time, support, active learning, collaboration, and authentic projects to support my innovation proposal, including a more general outline and specific details in a backward design format. Click the button to navigate my Effective Professional Learning compilation page.
How does sharing learning and growth affect the greater educational community? Consider how many small hunches collide in a collective environment to form new ideas and make a meaningful change toward a better future. Click the button to navigate my Publishing Digital Media compilation page.
Why use an action research approach to systemic change? Read more about how my action research supports a digital professional environment that grows adult learner skills over content as they navigate the exponential changes to their work environments. Click the button to navigate to my Action Research compilation page.
How can we meet learner needs in fully virtual and blended learning environments? Watch my course unfold as I describe how I used CSLE + COVE, OBE, and intentional alignment to create and curate Workflows That Work. Click the button to navigate to my Instructional Design compilation page.