My Proposal

Paperless Office, Paperless District

To the Administration and Leaders in Grapevine-Colleyville ISD:

Our working environment continues to change rapidly. According to the World Economic Forum, “nearly 50% of all companies expect their full-time workforce to shrink by 2022 as a result of automation, almost 40% expect to extend their workforce generally, and more than a quarter expect automation to create new roles in their enterprise.” Machines will never replace humans. However, the ways that humans work alongside machines will continue to shift. New systems and more efficient workflows are a continuous necessity. Why do any meetings, training sessions, or departments still heavily rely on paper?

It’s not hard to imagine a paperless office.

During the onset of the pandemic and beyond, we adapted so much of what we do to fit a digital model. Because of this, we already have some great systems in place. Much of the administrative work in our district occurs digitally, including onboarding new employees, payment authorizations, software approval forms, communication, and file organization, to name a few. As well as the systems that are in place, the promise of the digital environment continues to enhance productivity, save physical space, make documentation and sharing easier, and preserve privacy more effectively.

The question remains: How could we improve our current processes? “Companies need to complement their automation plans with comprehensive augmentation strategies… They must invest in their human capital.” (Cann & World Economic Forum, 2018) I would like to introduce new approaches to working with the existing technology that we may push toward a paperless working environment. This means changing the environment in which we work to provide reskilling opportunities.

I intend to take a systematic approach to digitize paper processes and streamline current digital processes.

This will include practices such as:

  • Comprehensive, personalized learning opportunities for everyone, including administrative assistants, nutrition, transportation, curriculum & instruction, and many other departments.
  • One-on-one, project-based coaching to create more effective workflows and systems.
  • Re-purposing current technology with intention and support to improve systems and workflows.

Photo by KOBU Agency on Unsplash

My goal is to lead us toward increased digital productivity. This will increase confidence in using the technology that already exists. Also, we will prepare all office staff for continued changes as they work alongside machines. Finally, we will model paperless opportunities for teachers that we may grow our district toward becoming paperless. This is but one step toward increasing blended learning environments in GCISD.

I’m asking that I may pilot and test out structures around the paperless office with the Digital Learning Team.

My goal is to explore, experiment, and share my findings with the rest of the district. My predicted outcome is increased efficacy and confidence, and improved systems and workflows. The long-term effect is to provide a model to move toward a paperless district.

With Respect,

Karin Stateler

Digital Learning Support Specialist


Cann, O., & World Economic Forum. (2018, Sep 17). Machines Will Do More Tasks Than Humans by 2025 but Robot Revolution Will Still Create 58 Million Net New Jobs in Next Five Years. World Economic Forum.