Publishing Digital Resources

“Good ideas come from the collision of smaller hunches so that they form something bigger than themselves.”

Steven Johnson

Early in this coursework, I watched a video titled Where Good Ideas Come From by Steven Johnson (2010). In his video, Johnson (2010) considers the question of the environment required to encourage creativity and innovative thinking. Is our overly connected world too much? Does the speed of information deny the ability to form ideas through slow hunches? In the end, Johnson (2010) says that “chance favors the connected mind,” and I tend to agree.

Watch the video in its entirety.

What was my blind reaction to this video when I first watched it?

Read my blog about the collision of slow hunches, connectivity, and how this led my groupmates and me to land on our why, how, what, and where for our co-authored publication.

Increase connectivity to improve the collective!

This course encouraged me to share what I am learning. That is, I get to contribute to the collective rather than being a more passive consumer of information. Not only that, but I connected with my teammates, Stephen Lewis and Kimberly Purvis. We combined our hunches to form something bigger than ourselves. I look forward to publishing our work! But why should you read what we wrote? Take a moment to explore our media pitch and find out what we have to offer.

Blended Learning Sampler for Adult Learners

With blended learning, the learning environment exists “at least in part through online learning with some element of control over time, place, path, and/or pace” (Horn et al., 2014, p. 34). “Limited research availability on blended learning for adult learners and professional training environments supports a necessary shift in thinking. As evidence of the benefits of blended learning to organizations arises, blended learning is expected to see significant growth in the workplace. Quality design, specifically chosen resources, and careful implementation can achieve blended learning goals in the professional environment. No matter the environment, virtual, formal or informal, social or self-guided, blended learning moves the goal posts from ‘one-size-fits-all’ to learning with a purpose. Undoubtedly, this publication will empower instructional designers and all readers to experiment with new ideas and tools to bring blended learning into their organization” (Stateler, 2022).

Ready to start reading? Peruse our publication to partake in a blended learning sampler for adult learners.

One Bite at a Time

We didn’t write our publication overnight! Please review the iterative process – from outline to rough draft, and finally, my reflection on peer feedback.


Horn, M. B., Staker, H., & Christensen, C. M. (2014). Blended: Using Disruptive Innovation to Improve Schools. Wiley.

Johnson, S. (2010, September 17). WHERE GOOD IDEAS COME FROM by Steven Johnson. YouTube. Retrieved July 21, 2022, from, K. (2022). Media Pitch A Blended Sampler for Adult Learners – Connect it! Cookies ‘N Cache. Retrieved July 21, 2022, from