5313 & 5389: Contributions to the Learning Environment

5313 & 5389 Score: 97/100

Oooo-ver halfway there!

As I entered the third semester of the ADL graduate program, I continued to take the role of learner and leader seriously. Approaching my first classes, I knew how to navigate Blackboard, how I intended to organize my files, and I had a plan to conquer the reading list. I also knew my classmates well and continued to work collaboratively with them throughout our time together. I wasn’t, however, prepared for the heavy workload. We had so many assignments due in 5313. Also, the assignments we did for 5389 were so time intensive and robust. And of course, life doesn’t stop just because I’m attending grad school.

Key Contributions

Glows & Grows


My biggest glow was my commitment to myself and my implementation plan. This looked like intentional connections to my implementation plan with my work in 5313 and 5389. It also looked like connecting 5313 and 5389 together. Because I work with adults, my Alternative Professional Learning plan in 5389 is the same plan I outlined in the Three Column Table and Understanding by Design assignments. Finally, I also turned in my assignments on the early side most of the semester so that I could support others. I felt that while the assignments were many and robust, I was able to grasp them enough to support others.


The workload this semester helped me to reflect on my main goals as I work through the ADL program:

  • Build confidence: I can implement my plan innovatively! I know that I have the right pieces in place.
  • Increase flexibility: I am going to listen to feedforward regarding my innovation plan for the paperless office. It will keep me from getting stuck. I definitely have room for improvement here.

Both goals were consistent with my work in 5305, 5303, 5302, and 5304. As I grow as a leader, I will continue to build confidence in my abilities. Also, I will continue to hold my ideas loosely that I am open to change. That way, I can refrain from getting stuck.

Another area of growth I noticed this semester was fatigue. As it is our third semester, it is important that I continue to take care of myself. They don’t call it “The Messy Middle” for nothing!


I continue to be a proud participant of two collaborative groups for 5313 and 5389. The larger group consists of Charlie, Kelvin, Ileana, Erica, Andrea, Kim, Stephen, Danielle, Pedro, Andre, and others. I am a self-identified empath. That is, I enjoy helping others so much that I have to work to identify my own needs. This semester, I kicked up my involvement in the larger group even more than last semester. Not only did I share my class with everyone in our chat, but I also heavily supported my peers with questions. Finally, I shared templates that I created for my assignments with several of my classmates.

I want to give a special shout-out to Kelven Wilson and Andrea Harrell in our larger group. They both heavily stepped up their game by supporting peers and sharing learning resources.

In our smaller group, I continue to grow my professional and personal friendships with Stephen and Kim. The three of us – coined by Stephen “The Three Amigos” – rarely go a day without chatting. I continue to grow with each assignment we share. I found it interesting that all three of us struggled with fatigue during this semester. We all have very different challenges in our lives, yet we all faced the same level of exhaustion. Regardless, without their moral and intellectual support, I am certain I wouldn’t have performed as well. I’m grateful for their friendship on this path.

To continue to hone my collaborative skills, I am going to consider taking notes and sharing them with everyone in the course in Blackboard.


I made revisions constantly based on comparison and feedforward from my peers and from class, 1-on-1 meetings, and feedforward from Dr. Sue, Dr. Still, and Creighton. Examples include:

  • As I tighten up my ePortfolio for my final grade, I improved my front page.
  • I made small improvements on each assignment for 5313 and 5389.
  • Finally, my drafts were continually changing with the support and feedforward of my group.

This semester, I read every book, watched every video that I found, and read most of the other required readings listed in the Classroom Modules in Blackboard. My intention in grad school – and in life really – is to keep learning, reading, reflecting, and connecting as long as I can. I see this as a constant need for improvement. I met all of the various course deadlines.

Supporting Contributions

Leadership Responsibility, Participation, and Communication

I’ve mentioned my love of writing in past Contributions to Learning. My blogs continue to be the basis of my learning in ADL – the opportunity to reflect and connect “dots,” or big ideas. By modeling my learning process, I believe I help others grow. Not a week goes by without a comment on one of my discussion board posts about how much someone enjoys my writing or how much they learned. That’s not to brag, more to reflect the importance of the active role I take in my own learning. Really, the active (or inactive) role any of us takes in our learning.

As I said, I love to write. However, I feel like I am unable to put into words how much the ADL program means to me. The connections I make – from people to ideas – continue to push me to be a better leader, communicator, and person.

Strike a Pose: Modeling Effective Practices

Why Modeling?

It’s hard to disrupt the systems that we have in place. For starters, the system follows the Industrial Era model with the intent to supply a standardized workforce. Also, the systems are entrenched in our lives to the point where schools are necessary to support life as we know it. Finally, as Dr. H says, “we do what was done to us – we teach in the way that we were taught” (Harapnuik et al., 2018, p. 108). Either way, we must admit that education the system barely moved, if at all (Harapnuik et al., 2018).

Photo by SOULSANA on Unsplash

The best way to make any change is to teach by modeling. 

This is because modeling is the main way that humans learn. In the video, Mother Nature’s Pedagogy, Peter Gray (2015) says, “Children are biologically designed to educate themselves through play and exploration. All we need to do is provide the conditions that would allow them to educate themselves.” Moreover, he observes that mixed-age children learn by observing and interacting with one another.

In What Babies Know About Physics and Foreign Languages, Gopnik (2016) notes that babies don’t just copy mindlessly, “they take note of who you are and why you act.” In other words – they make sense of the context of their learning.

Since modeling is such a pervasive learning method, it makes sense that we would model best practices in teaching as well.

How do we model self-directed learning?

Modeling-Based (Flipped) Professional Development at Rutgers University (McCammon, 2015) provided an “efficient and active learning environment.” To begin, the teachers recorded video lectures ahead of time that included all of the sit-and-get content (McCammon, 2015). Because they were not interactive, they were “60-80% shorter than live lectures” (McCammon, 2015). Some of the advantages of this include a self-paced learning environment and the ability of participants to review the information (McCammon, 2015). Another advantage is that because so much less time was devoted to lecturing, there was more time for active learning (McCammon, 2015). Instructors could use class time to ask and answer questions, encourage collaboration, and engage students in activities to demonstrate artifacts of their learning (McCammon, 2015). Finally, through modeling these activities, teachers had the opportunity to experience, observe, and interact with the material. Not only that but they now had a context for an engaging, authentic learning environment.

Modeling, COVA, and my PL

What I enjoy the most about my experience in ADL is that the program is authentic to me. Nothing that we do in ADL is “make work” as Dr. H frequently says. What he means by that is that we are doing work that is meaningful to our current job. Likewise, teachers need to be responsible for their own professional growth. That is, they need to grow in ways that are meaningful for their job.

In my Professional Learning, I intend to guide administrators and admin assistants to create an authentic, cross-department, professional goal. Then, they will use this goal to create an action plan to improve digital systems within and across departments. Finally, my team will coach them throughout the year as they work to meet their goal and make meaningful systemic changes. The ultimate goal is to devise systems that we can use to model a blended learning environment for teachers and students.

Ecosystems over Industrialization

“We must take our metaphor for leadership not from the machine but from the ways living systems organize. In living systems, growth is found in disequilibrium, not in balance. As leaders in educational transformation, our role is not to control but to enable the order to emerge naturally – and we are still learning how to do this well” (“Teachers Leading Their Own Professional Growth: Self-Directed Reflection and Collaboration and Changes in Perception of Self and Work in Secondary School Teachers,” 2006, p. 77).


Gopnik, A. (2016, July 30). Opinion | What Babies Know About Physics and Foreign Languages (Published 2016). The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/31/opinion/sunday/what-babies-know-about-physics-and-foreign-languages.html

Gray, P. (2015, January 30). Peter Gray: Mother Nature’s Pedagogy: Insights from Evolutionary Psychology. YouTube. Retrieved April 29, 2022, from https://youtu.be/G2BAJ_svbhA

Harapnuik, D., Thibodeaux, T., & Cummings, C. (2018, January 9). Dwayne Harapnuik Tilisa Thibodeaux Cynthia Cummings Lamar University. Learner’s Mindset….. Retrieved April 29, 2022, from http://tilisathibodeaux.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/COVA_eBook_Jan_2018.pdfMcCammon, L. (2015, April 15). Modeling-Based (Flipped) Professional Development at Rutgers University – Dr. Lodge McCammon. YouTube. Retrieved April 29, 2022, from

Creating a Culture of Comfort with the Uncomfortable

Why a growth mindset works doesn’t work works

Applied Digital Learning at Lamar is such a dynamic program. For example, it is quite metacognitive because it forces us to walk the talk as it models the skills we implement with our Innovation Project. However, because the ADL program forces us to use higher-order thinking skills, I’m not always sure where it is going. Take my journey with growth mindset thinking as an example. In our first meeting, Dr. H said that the growth mindset by itself doesn’t work. Those words stayed with me throughout the program, even in the class on creating a growth mindset implementation plan. I thought, “Why is he making us create a plan for this if it doesn’t work?” I was very uncomfortable throughout the course of 5302.

Follow my journey with the growth mindset:

Comfortable with the uncomfortable

This week we were tasked with reading two articles, one of which detailed the Ottawa Catholic School Board. In Case Study Report – Ottawa Catholic School Board (La Ferrière et al., 2016), the CEA shared “how the OCSB has transformed its classrooms into 21st-century environments that meet the needs of all learners.” Furthermore, the report detailed how “with the conversion of libraries to Learning Commons, increasing broadband, universal Wi-Fi availability and equitable Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) policies, the OCSB has created a digital learning ecosystem focusing on collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking among” (La Ferrière et al., 2016). 

Mindset shift

As I read this article and watched the accompanying video, Innovation That Sticks Case Study – OCSB (EdCan Network Le Réseau ÉdCan, 2016), I was struck by the fact that such a structural change was led by a mindset shift. A lot of teachers in the district talked about being comfortable with the uncomfortable (EdCan Network Le Réseau ÉdCan, 2016). For example, they detailed a shift in culture that encourages collaboration, risk-taking, and a growth mindset (EdCan Network Le Réseau ÉdCan, 2016). With this mindset shift, teachers felt more confident to take risks, move forward with their learning, and try innovative things with their students (EdCan Network Le Réseau ÉdCan, 2016). Students could feel this energy as well, as they were not only allowed but encouraged to fail and try again. 

As I consider my plan for PL

“The driving force behind our Board’s success is the insight to lead with pedagogy and to support our pedagogical practices with technology. Our Board is able to leverage digital resources and technology with strong pedagogical alignment” (La Ferrière et al., 2016).

As I consider my professional learning plan, I know that one of my goals in my innovation proposal is to focus on improving digital processes. Therefore, my training focus will be to work with administrative assistants to develop their digital skills in transforming and innovating paperless workflows. This supports the framework described in Case Study Report – Ottawa Catholic School Board (La Ferrière et al., 2016) and is highlighted in the graphic below.

Framework for District-wide Level Change: 4 Pillars graphic

A culture shift, not a prescription

I am really starting to understand how the growth mindset fits into the big picture of ADL, creating structural change, and improving professional learning. The growth mindset is a culture shift, not a prescription. That is to say, you can’t just talk the talk of a growth mindset, you must walk the walk. Once we can get that culture shift all stakeholders might have comfort with failure and cognitive dissonance. With the right support in place, our teachers and staff will be open to the idea that the traditional model of “sage on the stage” is evolving and they will look to students as partners in learning (EdCan Network Le Réseau ÉdCan, 2016).


EdCan Network Le Réseau ÉdCan. (2016, May 19). Innovation That Sticks Case Study – OCSB: Risk Taking. YouTube. Retrieved April 20, 2022, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAMcjUzdVnE

La Ferrière, L., Puentedura, R., & Fullan, M. (2016, May). Case Study Report – Ottawa Catholic School Board. EdCan Network. Retrieved April 20, 2022, from https://www.edcan.ca/wp-content/uploads/cea_ocsb_innovation_report.pdf

Mind the Gap: PD Now and a “New Bliss”

Picture This:

You’re seated at a long table. Your seat is stiff, flat, and backless plastic colored a dingy blue. As you shift in the attempt to find comfort, the student-sized seat creaks in protest. The long table in front of you was cleaned with an unknown chemical that left behind residue and a faint odor that will make you nauseous over the course of the three hours you’ll sit at this cramped cafeteria table. You and your colleagues sit too close for comfort; your colleague’s breath smells faintly of coffee and cigarette smoke that she tries to hide with a heavy, floral perfume. (Notably, this doesn’t work.) Papers rustle and phones ding quietly as the speaker at the front of the room clicks to slide number eight out of infinity while they drone on in monotone.

A small beam of light captures your attention and you watch as tiny bits of dust shift in synchronicity. You remember watching a dust mote in a sunbeam like that in your home as a child while your cat lay in the warm pool of light at the bottom. A soft smile reaches your lips, but your colleague draws you out of this daydream when she taps on your shoulder to ask if you have another pencil. You dig in your bag to retrieve a 0.7 Bic mechanical pencil in lime green. When you hand it to her, you bump your phone and its lock screen awakens. The time is 8:33 am. You have been in this professional learning for three minutes. 

It’s going to be a long day.

We’ve all been there.

As I conclude my 17th year in education, I can’t count how many professional development courses I attended where I learned about how to teach effectively that were presented in an ineffective way.

According to The Mirage (TNTP, 2015, p. 2):

“Districts are making a massive investment in teacher improvement – far larger than most people realize. Despite these efforts, most teachers do not appear to improve substantially from year to year – even though many have not yet mastered critical skills. Even when teachers do improve, we were unable to link their growth to any particular development strategy. School systems are not helping teachers understand how to improve – or even that they have room to improve at all.”

We overload teachers with professional development with the intent to help, but it is far from helpful (TNTP, 2015). And believe me when I say that teachers notice. A majority of teachers find the one-time workshop model of professional development useless (Gulamhussein, 2013).

What could effective PD look like?

According to Teaching the Teachers (Gulamhussein, 2013): 

Professional learning is not a one-and-done deal. It should be significant and ongoing. During implementation, teachers need support to address the specific challenges of changing classroom practice. Teachers should participate actively in making sense of a new practice during the initial exposure. Modeling is effective to help teachers understand a new practice. Teachers should engage in content and/or grade-level specific learning.

Sit-and-get learning may still be incorporated into this new system of professional learning, albeit infrequently. To ensure that it’s meaningful, there are steps we can take to improve our presentation skills.

Improving Presentations with Story and Slidedecks

Simply put, brain science supports the use of stories to convey information. As Nancy Duarte (2013) shared, the structure of stories has been used for 1000’s of years. Even pre-literate cultures used stories to pass down morals, values, and lore. How do we know? Think about the story I told at the beginning of this blog. Could you picture it? Did you hear the seat creak? Could you feel and smell the room? Did you see the beam of light, the droning presenter, or a long-lost pet? Stories pass through our rational frontal lobe and connect with our “heart”, or rather our limbic system. The connection between stories and presenting – while groundbreaking in how it could shape presentations – is not new, but old. That is, we have a literal, uncontrollable physical reaction when we connect with a story.

Incorporating Story

How should we incorporate a story into a presentation? There are a few different models presented. In her TEDTalk Nancy Duarte Uncovers the Common Structure of Greatest Communicators, Nancy Duarte (2010) shares a few models for storytelling. One example she mentions is Aristotle’s Three-Act Play, the Hero’s Journey, and finally Freytag’s Dramatic Story Structure. All of these different varieties include important information to include in a presentation. For example, use a structure that includes a transformation. Also, be certain to include a resolution. Finally, use the hero archetype to connect to the audience. That is use your presentation to make the audience the hero of the story. Then you, as the presenter, guide, mold, and manipulate them like the mentor that you are. 

previous arrow
next arrow

Images from ReedsyBlog, Conor Neill, and ClearVoice.

Duarte (2010) ended her talk by comparing the structure that all compelling speakers use. She called this the Sparkline:

Image from duarte.com.

Her greatest instruction is to “plant resistance between what is and what could be” (Duarte, 2010). Duarte (2010) suggested:

  • Modeling for the audience what you want them to feel.
  • Use of repetition.
  • Use metaphors and visual words
  • Incorporate familiar songs and scriptures
  • Draw on relatable experiences
  • Directly compare what currently is to what could be.

For the last turning point, a good speaker should review the call to action and describe the new bliss (Duarte, 2010). In fact, “people will remember the last thing you said more than the beginning or middle” (Duarte, 2010). This reiterates the importance of the call to action in your presentation.

YOU are the Presentation

“Bad slide presentations don’t require a presenter to be interesting, informative, or even present” (Gonzalez, 2013). On the other hand, good slide presentations act as a “visual background” to the presenter (Phillips, 2014). They don’t overshadow the whole purpose of the presentation, which is to hear the speaker.

Yesterday, I was on facetime with our good friends Chance and Brandi. They have a seven-month-old named Kinsely who is the most beautiful, perfect baby I’ve ever seen. (I may be a biased aunt.) When I asked them how they were, Chance said that Kinsley was “doing this weird thing” where she screamed any time they left the room without her. Immediately, I pictured a pinwheel. You see, in the video How Presentation Zen Fixed My Bad PowerPoints (Gonzalez, 2013), the presenter demonstrated as she edited her slides from a list of bullet points to images with meaning.


Images from How Presentation Zen Fixed My Bad PowerPoints (Gonzalez, 2013).

The best part is that I could share what I learned with my friends. I told them that she hasn’t developed object permanence. When they leave the room, her baby brain thinks that they no longer exist. Also, my metacognition allowed me to recognize that I learned this because the slideshow was more meaningful with imagery than the list of bullet points. I am anecdotal evidence that Gonzalez’s (2013) slideshow improvements worked! Finally, I ensured them that this was a phase as babies develop object permanence around eight months.

In his TEDTalk How to Avoid Death by PowerPoint, David Phillips (2014) creatively demonstrated tips for a good slideshow. He said to keep your messages to one message per slide (Phillips, 2014). If there is more than one message, we only pay attention to one of them. Next, he said to include short, sweet bits of text and an image (Phillips, 2014). Regarding size, the most important part of your slide should be the biggest (Phillips, 2014). To demonstrate this, he changed the size of the heading and the body text, and my eyes followed the bigger item! He also said to use contrast to highlight certain parts of a table or slide (Phillips, 2014). Finally, he explained that the magic number of images or items to include on a slide is limited to six (Phillips, 2014). With six items, we just “see” them. After six, we must count the items to know how many there are. It was so fun to “watch” as my brain was tricked by his presentation. If you didn’t watch his video, find it here. It’s a must-see!

A New Bliss

What might it be like if adult learning looked like this? Maybe instead of a room full of colleagues learning the same information, you attend a brief meaningful introduction that lasts fifteen minutes. In that time, you are inspired by a story that pulls on your heartstrings and sets the tone for the day. Then you and a handful of colleagues discuss specific data and lessons in a guided PLC. Next, maybe you watch a mentor teacher teach a lesson that you need some help with. When you ask a question, she tells you to come back next period to teach the same lesson to the next group of kids. Then, she gives you feedback specific to you in a format designed by professionals. Finally, you end your day back in a PLC where you discuss and write to connect and reflect. Over the course of the next few weeks, a coach meets with you to continue to help you grow in specific, measured ways.

Meaningful, individualized professional learning is possible. The gap between what is and what could be is achievable.


Duarte, N. (2010). Resonate: Present Visual Stories that Transform Audiences. Wiley.

Duarte, N. (2010, December 10). TEDxEast – Nancy Duarte Uncovers the Common Structure of Greatest Communicators 11/11/2010. YouTube. Retrieved April 2, 2022, from https://youtu.be/1nYFpuc2Umk

Duarte, N. (2013, March 21). Nancy Duarte: How to Tell a Story. YouTube. https://youtu.be/9JrRQ1oQWQk

Gonzalez, J. (2013, September 16). How Presentation Zen Fixed My Bad PowerPoints. YouTube. https://youtu.be/vkrl1j0IW-c

Gulamhussein, A. (2013). Teaching the Teachers Effective Professional Development in an Era of High Stakes Accountability. Center for Public Education. https://www.dropbox.com/s/j13c5mk092kmqv9/Teaching_Effective_Professional_Developmt.pdf?dl=0

Phillips, D. J. (2014, April 14). How to Avoid Death By PowerPoint | David JP Phillips | TEDxStockholmSalon. YouTube. https://youtu.be/Iwpi1Lm6dFo

TNTP. (2015). The Mirage. TNTP. https://tntp.org/assets/documents/TNTP-Mirage_2015.pdf

Learning is Living

“What frameworks do we need to make sense of learning in our world of constant change?” (Brown & Thomas, 2011, p. 19).

I started grad school with a huge misconception. Particularly, I thought it would be at least similar in nature to undergrad. However, the Applied Digital Learning program at Lamar is nothing like what I expected. It’s fun to apply the concepts I’m learning about constructivist theory to analyze my misconceptions. For example, the constructivist theory says that I built my understanding of what school is like on what I already know and believe to be true about school (Andrews et al., 2011). Furthermore, what I thought grad school was going to be like early on – sit-and-get, lecture-style coursework – shifted as I experienced the ADL program. This is because “what students know and believe at the beginning of a course is often [scientifically] inaccurate” (Andrews et al., 2011, p. 400). I think we all realize by now that the ADL program is meta.

That is to say, the program is designed to model the very concepts it’s teaching – Choice, ownership, and voice in authentic learning environments.

Gaming as a model for learning

Our grad school cohort reminds me a lot of the example of intergenerational gaming described in A New Culture of Learning (Brown & Thomas, 2011). My team members and I are actively engaged with one another on a quest for learning. The connections we build in the context of grad school work are concrete. This is because, in the ADL program, our professors cultivate meaningful resources and group us into cohorts as our own collective.

  • Cultivation: Take nearly unlimited resources and consolidate them into a bounded, structured environment and adjust as necessary (Brown & Thomas, 2011).
  • Collective: “A community of like-minded people who help [people] learn and meet a particular set of needs” (Brown & Thomas, 2011, p. 21).

In other words, “everything and everyone around us is a resource for learning” (Brown & Thomas, 2011, p. 32-33).

Collaboration for the sake of learning

Coaching and collaboration by themselves do not improve learning (Goodwin, 2015). Studies show that “collaboration without the benefit of outside expertise falls flat” (Goodwin, 2015, p. 2). In other words, the quality of the collaboration is more important than the quantity. In Innovation That Sticks Case Study – OCSB: Collaborative Professional Development (EdCan Network, 2016), teachers shared that the learning they achieve in their model of professional learning applies collaboration effectively.

For example, instead of attending mass training where every teacher hears the same information, teachers as learners take time off to collaborate with one another. During this time, they may “set up lesson plans, decide how they present something, get help with technology, and spend time networking and sharing ideas and knowledge” (EdCan Network, 2016). I believe that our graduate program works similarly. As a learner, I reach out to multiple collaborative groups. In these ever-changing groups, we support one another’s growth as we apply high-level concepts to authentic learning environments. Our collaboration and the collaboration of the teachers in In Innovation That Sticks Case Study – OCSB: Collaborative Professional Development (EdCan Network, 2016) works because it is personalized.

Improving active learning

We do a lot of active learning in our grad school program as well. However, adding an active learning activity or component to a course does not improve learning. “No one can assume that they are teaching effectively just because they are using active learning” (Andrews et al., 2011, p. 403). The implications of this are few but important. Firstly, “we need to build a better understanding of what makes active-learning exercises effective” (Andrews et al., 2011, p. 403). This requires rigorous scientific examination. Next, “we need to develop active-learning exercises useful for a broad population of instructors” (Andrews et al., 2011, p. 403). Finally, “we need to identify what training and oncoming support [faculty need]” (Andrews et al., 2011, p. 403). In other words, active learning cannot be prescriptive bandaid fix. It must be intentional and systemic to be effective.

Constructivist learning

What makes active learning effective? The simple answer is to apply constructivist learning principles. Needs of the learner at the center. What does this look like? The general instructional design involves using backward mapping to create lessons and curricula (Harapnuik, 2018). To begin, identify your desired results. That is, determine the big ideas and skills that you want students to know (Harapnuik, 2018). Then, determine acceptable evidence or the culminating task you will use to assess student learning (Harapnuik, 2018). Only then should you plan your instruction. Harapnuik (2018) calls these learning experiences or learning events. Examples of active learning events include PBL, concept-based learning, case-based studies, cognitive apprenticeships, experiential learning, authentic learning opportunities, and more (Harapnuik, 2018).

Under this model, “the best technology disappears” because it becomes part of the learning environment (Harapnuik, 2018). The teacher moves from the front of the room to the side of the student. S/he is “didactic, reflective, inventive, transformative, presenter, facilitator, coach, and mentor” (Harapnuik, 2018).

These principles are easy to espouse but difficult to apply without continued teacher support and the evolution of systems.

Image from CSLE (Harapnuik, 2018).

It’s about learning

When it comes down to it, our ADL professors model constructivist learning through the COVA model: Choice, ownership, and voice in an authentic learning environment.

Choice: They ignited my passion for the Paperless Office Proposal. Digital solutions are something I care deeply about. 

Ownership: I literally own my website domain! I also own the ideas for my proposal.

Voice: Through blogging, I am finding my voice and making connections.

Authentic Learning Environment: My proposal applies directly to my job, so I have no make work! I also message my peers constantly to work through assignments. Check out Stephen’s and Kim’s work! They have shaped me more than I can express.

Learning is play is culture is living

Learning is so much more than information, data, and content. After all, humans aren’t merely machines. Humans are, “transforming how we think about information, imagination, and play,” (Brown & Thomas, 2011, p. 31). They are rethinking their “motivations for learning across generations, platforms, purposes, and goals,” (Brown & Thomas, 2011, p. 31). Each of us has personal, specific needs but we also have shared interests that can create a collective around those needs. “Learning thus becomes a lifelong interest that is renewed and redefined on a continual basis” (Brown & Thomas, 2011, p. 32).

Learning is living.


Andrews, T.M., Leonard, M.J., Colgrove, C.A., & Kalinowski, S.T. (2011). Active Learning Not Associated with Student Learning in a Random Sample of College Biology Courses. CBE Life Sciences Education, 10(4), 394-405. https://www.lifescied.org/doi/10.1187/cbe.11-07-0061

Brown, J. S., & Thomas, D. (2011). A New Culture of Learning: Cultivating the Imagination for a World of Constant Change. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.

EdCan Network. (2016, May 19). Innovation That Sticks Case Study – OCSB: Collaborative Professional Development. YouTube. Retrieved March 31, 2022, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUusuw-xdr4

Goodwin, B. (2015, December 1). Research Says/Does Teacher Collaboration Promote Teacher Growth? Educational Leadership, 73(4), 82-83. https://www.ascd.org/el/articles/does-teacher-collaboration-promote-teacher-growthHarapnuik, D. (2018, July 14). CSLE. It’s About Learning. Retrieved March 31, 2022, from https://www.harapnuik.org/?page_id=849

Promoting Positive Professional Learning

I spent my first six years teaching affluent middle school children. I grew a lot during that time as most teachers do. According to The Mirage, “Most teachers in the districts we studied did improve substantially during these early years—a well-established pattern that has been documented by many researchers and reflects a natural learning curve” (TNTP, 2015, p. 14). Around year six, I felt an itch to change. Because of this, I decided to try my hand at teaching elementary students. I also ended up in a school where 75% of the students were on free and reduced lunch. Needless to say, I felt like I was back at square one professionally. Once I felt like I plateaued at that teaching experience, I moved to a mostly ELL, all-girls middle school. I realize now that I kept changing because I didn’t feel like I was growing.

How might my career look if I experienced effective and personalized professional learning in year six?

This image demonstrates the professional development plateau that teachers experience after five years.

Image from The Mirage (TNTP, 2015).

The Five Year Rule

Teaching is like an art or a sport. That is to say, it is very skill-based and tacit. According to A New Culture of Learning, tacit learning is “that which grows from experience and lives in your body” (Thomas & Brown, 2011).

While traditional professional development leaves teachers inspired and full of ideas, teachers do not learn how to correctly apply the skills (Daniels, 2013). Teachers don’t need an instructor in a training session talking “at” them, they need support when they go to apply the information to their classroom (Daniels, 2013). Teachers need support alongside them as they plan lessons, implement new strategies, and analyze data. They need someone who will watch them try, fail, and support them as they try again. What do teachers need?

Teachers need a coach and a professional learning community.

Growing Teachers

According to EDLD 5389, there are five principles of effective professional learning:

  1. Extend the duration of PL to weeks or months
  2. Provide ongoing support for teachers during the implementation stage
  3. Use active application of ideas, methodologies, and strategies
  4. Use modeling and/or mentoring
  5. Encourage authentic projects (Harapnuik, 2021).

Teaching the Teachers goes on to differentiate between the two roles of teachers: The Technician vs. The Intellectual (Gulamhussein & National School Board Association, 2013). The Technician refers to the active, tacit, research-based skills that teachers need to learn, apply, and refine with their students (Gulamhussein & National School Board Association, 2013, p. 20). In contrast, the Intellectual refers to teachers as researchers, innovators, and experts in their field (Gulamhussein & National School Board Association, 2013, p 20). With this in mind, coaches, mentors, peers, and administrators can apply the five principles of effective learning through these filters.

This image compares the different roles of teachers as learners.

Image from Teaching the Teachers (Gulamhussein & National School Board Association, 2013). 

Promoting Positive Professional Learning

Needless to say, I am in a new role again – I am part of the Digital Learning team. In this role, I work with district adults on best practices with technology use in their current role. My goal is to take advantage of the coaching and PLC models we use in GCISD. Firstly, I will continue to work with administrative assistants. For example, I will use lunch-and-learns, coaching sessions, PLCs, and newsletters to grow their confidence and skill with technology use. Then, As I grow and improve the implementation of the Five Principles of Professional Learning, I hope to use the skills I develop as a model for the rest of the district.


Daniels, K. (2013, November 6). Empowering the teacher technophobe: Kristin Daniels at TEDxBurnsvilleED. YouTube. Retrieved March 27, 2022, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puiNcIFJTCU

Gulamhussein, A., & National School Board Association. (2013, September). Teaching the Teachers: Effective Professional Development in an Era of High Stakes Accountability. The Center for Public Education. https://www.dropbox.com/s/j13c5mk092kmqv9/Teaching_Effective_Professional_Developmt.pdf?dl=0

Harapnuik, D. (2021, April 17). EDLD 5389 Module 1. YouTube. Retrieved March 27, 2022, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Ib3pdsTFKM

Thomas, D., & Brown, J. S. (2011). A New Culture of Learning: Cultivating the Imagination for a World of Constant Change. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.

TNTP. (2015). The Mirage: Confronting the Hard Truth About Our Quest for Teacher Development. https://tntp.org/assets/documents/TNTP-Mirage_2015.pdf