Planning the Alternative Professional Learning

Why: BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) – Overarching Course Goal

A BHAG sets the tone to achieve greatness. “A great BHAG will cause your team to stretch beyond the obvious and beyond the status quo” (Rhythm Systems, 2022). Because of this, when I designed my BHAG for my alternative professional learning plan, I wanted to make sure it was compelling. To do this, I took the three-step approach suggested by Rhythm Systems (2022).

  1. Know Thyself: What is the one overarching concept you want your learners to know by the end of the course?
  2. Set the Right Mark: “What is on clear, compelling, and measurable goal that will be reached when vision becomes a reality?” (Rhythm Systems, 2022).
  3. Grow with Purpose: How does everyone’s work in your course contribute to this reality?


I will cultivate independent learners who demonstrate confidence in troubleshooting, who are willing to seek out new information and solutions, and who lean on peers in a professional collective.

Who: Administrative Assistants and Administrators

This course is composed of adult learners from middle and upper-middle-class backgrounds. They are usually family-oriented. Administrative assistants have often professionally peaked and are content with their jobs. In contrast, a few administrative assistants are new to the field and want to move up. Administrators, while at a high level in their career also, are often looking to move into new positions inside or outside of the district. Regardless of their role, all learners desire mastery, autonomy, and purpose in their careers.

They have mixed feelings about technology. Most of the discomfort around technology stems from troubleshooting and constant change. There is also a range of prior knowledge. While most people come in with some knowledge of the applications they will use, the range varies. While people either love technology or tolerate it, I believe all people want to be able to do their jobs successfully and with confidence. Therefore, they have personal learning goals and expectations that we should meet.

How: The 5 Key Principles of Effective PD

Created in Canva by Karin Stateler. Concepts in the image are from Teaching the Teachers Effective Professional Development in an Era of High Stakes Accountability (Gulamhussein, 2013).

This course combines five blended learning sessions plus ongoing coaching throughout the year. Learners will work in groups cross-departmentally to analyze workflows and systems. They will also engage in discussions in each of the blended learning sessions. On top of that, they will use chat spaces when not in an active learning session to ask questions and touch base with one another. Next, learners create their own authentic learning projects by setting goals specific to their environmental needs. Finally, learners engage in active learning through discussion, blended learning environments, and 1-on-1 coaching provided by my team.

What: Putting the Plan into Action


Gulamhussein, A. (2013). Teaching the Teachers Effective Professional Development in an Era of High Stakes Accountability. Center for Public Education.

Rhythm Systems. (2022). Complete Guide to Big Hairy Audacious Goals (BHAG). Rhythm Systems. Retrieved April 25, 2022, from