I Love You, I Hate You: The Story of WordPress

I chose Wix first. It was easy. It was attractive. I set up my site. I wrote my first blog. I was ready.

Did I mention that Wix was easy?

And then I met you…

WordPress. You sly devil. You were deep and complex. I could create my own domain name. You were rich and profound and you called to me like a siren from a boulder being pelted by harsh waves in a stormy sea. Your voice floated to me from afar. You sang of safety, of freedom, and of a depth and complexity unmatched by others. I fell in head first, lured by Dr. Harapnuik’s treasure map, How to Create Your ePortfolio. The map is sincere and bold. It provides a clear outline. There is a quaint comparison. And there is… DATA.

Photo by Lidya Nada on Unsplash

I was caught, hook, line and sinker. And I paid the price. LITERALLY.

And then I got to know you…

Early in our relationship, you were soft. You were kind. I copied and pasted my blog from Wix. It was so easy! And then, you judged me. Your SEO score and Readability statistics didn’t seem like huge red flags at first. “You’re helping me become better!” I thought. How naïve of me! You became progressively more aggressive throughout our time together.

Next, I selected a theme and started to create pages.

But I COULDN’T EDIT THE THEME. You held me hostage, WordPress! You hid your theme editing in a separate menu from page editing. After I found the theme menu, I was so excited to be able to delete the phone number! But it was a small victory – I couldn’t figure out how to change the stock picture with the irrelevant menu that plagued my Homepage. Out, damned spot!

Back to the drawing board

Days passed. I added pages. I deleted pages. I changed the homepage menu that plagued me so! I tried to create a drop-down menu. I tried again… and again… and again. I posted about menus in the Student Lounge. A kind fellow named Pedro had fantastic instructions that I couldn’t follow.

But tonight… I got the better of you

I did it! I created that menu. My Learning is documented in one place that drops down, that I may add pages and pages galore. I have pages, a drop-down menu, and a blog. And yet I wonder…

How else might you challenge me?