The ePortfolio: Controlling Your Brand

We all have a brand. This is the “face” that we put on for the world, specifically on social media. I think about my brand often, specifically:

·  What is the intention with a post or tweet?

·  How does a picture or post fit into my long-term goals?

·  Who is my audience for the picture or post, intentional or otherwise?

I don’t put as much thought into my “brand” as an influencer, movie star, or athlete might, but I am pretty intentional about what I share on social media. Whether other people realize it or not, they are too. It’s my opinion that everyone should put a little more cognizant thought into what they are posting and why. This gives you more control and direction over your personal and professional brand.

Photo by Slidebean on Unsplash

Why Sponsor Levi

I love how Levi has already mastered the idea of a brand. His video Eportfoio Video taps into his story and his humanity. I really liked the racing shots, and Levi’s narration alongside demonstrated his passion for his sport. By the end of his video, I wanted to sponsor Levi, too!

ePortfolio Observations

An ePortfolio is another medium for creating your brand. This medium is not like social media in the sense that you have a greater degree of ownership over it. It’s not a profile on a secondary site – it is YOUR SITE. My own website is! My biggest takeaway after reviewing several of the ePortfolios is the transition from coursework to “real life.” Right now – while Dr. H says our ePortfolios are for us and that they are real – they still feel like an assignment. However, the ePortfolios I reviewed were not assignments. They were businesses, professional sites, resumés, and more.

I look forward to transitioning my website to a digital representation of my brand throughout the ADL courses. I know that I’ll “feel it” when it starts to happen.


Harapnuik, L., & YouTube (Directors). (2015). Eportfolio Video [Film].